Oliva Cigars
Oliva Cigars are a testament to the Oliva family's legacy in the tobacco industry, dating back to the late 19th century. With a dedication to quality and tradition, Oliva Cigars have become a renowned name in the world of premium cigars.The Oliva Serie V Melanio Cigar, winner of the prestigious Cigar of the Year award in 2014, is a prime example of the brand's commitment to excellence. Handcrafted with expertly fermented Ligero fillers, this cigar offers a rich and robust smoking experience that is unmatched. The Serie V is a complex blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos, finished with a high priming Habano Sun Grown Wrapper that delivers notes of dark chocolate and coffee, with a subtle spice that lingers throughout the smoke.
For those who prefer a milder option, the Oliva Connecticut Reserve Cigar is a medium-bodied gem. Blended with Nicaraguan binder and long-fillers, wrapped in an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, it offers a smooth and silky smoke with ample flavor. Whether you are celebrating a special occasion or enjoying a casual smoke, Oliva Cigars have a range of options to suit every preference.
Explore the Oliva Cigars category and discover an array of offerings, from the iconic Serie V to the more mellow Serie G and Connecticut Reserve. Each cigar is a testament to the Oliva family's craftsmanship and passion for the art of cigar-making. Indulge in the uncompromising quality and flavor of Oliva Cigars and elevate your smoking experience to new heights.