Ashton Classic Cigars
Ashton Classic Cigars are a symbol of luxury and quality in the cigar industry. Founded over three decades ago, Ashton has become a top brand in the United States and is sold in over 60 countries worldwide. Handmade in the Dominican Republic, each cigar is crafted with care and expertise by one of the most experienced teams in the industry.Ashton offers a variety of cigar blends to suit every preference. The Ashton VSG Cigars feature a proprietary Ecuadorian wrapper that imparts a bold espresso taste, while the Ashton Estate Sun Grown Cigars celebrate the brand's 20th anniversary with a sweet cayenne pepper flavor profile. For those who prefer a mellow and sweet taste, the Ashton Aged Maduro Cigars are aged to perfection and pair perfectly with coffee or dessert.
In addition to their premium cigars, Ashton also offers a luxurious experience at the Ashton Cigar Bar in Philadelphia. With an extensive selection of fine cigars, whiskeys, and spirits, the bar provides a sophisticated lounge for aficionados to relax and enjoy their favorite smokes.
Whether you are a seasoned cigar connoisseur or just beginning your journey into the world of premium cigars, Ashton Classic Cigars are a timeless choice for those who appreciate the finer things in life. Experience the exceptional craftsmanship and unparalleled taste of Ashton Cigars today.